Internet Image Browser - find your image!
To use Internet Image Browser for analyzing web site and downloading found resources create new task.
You can create, delete tasks and edit their settings:
- Main options
- Name - this label will be displayed in task list.
- URL - specifies starting URL (like
- Save found files to folder - select folder for found resources -
you can select one of albums folder (Album...)
or external folder (Browse...) or simply fill the field with folder name.
If folder doesnot exist it will be created.
- Follow web server hierarchy -
Internet Image Browser can create folders structure like that on web server or
save all resources into specified directory.
- Server requires authorization - use this option if web server is secured and needs
login and password to pass.
- Search options
- Search depth - specify depth of links to search for files on web server.
- Use external links - if checked tasks will use links on other web server to find more
files. Unchecked will point to search images only within the current domain.
- Maximum of seeking threads - number of seeking threads for current task.
You have to point more than 1 thread to find web pages to extract resource URLs.
- Maximum of downloading threads - number of downloading threads for current task.
Both parameters can be changed when task is stopped.
- Agent's name - select search agent name.
This string specifies how the program will be identified in web.
- Files
- Search for files - select extensions of files which will be downloaded to your hard disk.
- Use size filter - specify upper and lower bounds of files to be downloaded in Kb.
- Notes
Here you can drop notes about this task.
To set default project settings, select Tools/Default task settings.
On any information about this and other products of F-Group visit us at